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Write a 18 pages paper on use of social media on small and medium hospitality enterprise.

Write a 18 pages paper on use of social media on small and medium hospitality enterprise. The social media tools include Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, which are the commonly used tools. Flickr is another social media tool, though not freely used commercially. The social media tools have been incorporated into the businesses as promotional and marketing tools. Videos are uploaded on YouTube, where potential customers can watch them and then make informed decisions on their hotel choices. The customers can also use the same social media tools to enquire more about the services or brands offered by the organizations. The technology has seen small businesses scale to unimaginable heights after the proper use of social media tools. This paper seeks to discuss the use of social media tools in small businesses is done. The point of reference is Cragwood Country House Hotel, which will be utilized in a case study.

Social media have become so popular and found home in hotels and tourist destinations. Social media has enabled visitors to reserve bookings online and also share their views with other social media users. Social media have significantly helped in popularizing hotels. The hotels have high-speed internet services, enabling visitors to browse and initiate real-time online conversations. The use of these services has brought numerous benefits to the hotels. The benefits include but not limited to getting customers’ feedback on the services offered, which enables the management to improve their customer services. The rating of a particular social medium is shown by the popularity rate of members in a given media. For instance, on Facebook, the number of users liking the page of the hotel displays the popularity of the Facebook page, translating to an equivalent level of popularity of the entire hotel.

Social media is has found applications in many businesses. When coming up with a new strategy of marketing and advertising business, enough groundwork needs to be done.

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