Article Writing Homework Help

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses the nuclear energy. But it’s not the “clearness” of energy what is need to be argued, but the associated process and those risks every nuclear power station

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses the nuclear energy. But it’s not the “clearness” of energy what is need to be argued, but the associated process and those risks every nuclear power station potentially bear. From the atomic energy-producing process, a great danger comes as well as a possible lousy payoff.

It’s clear from the description that the nuclear energy-producing process is highly technological and complicated, so something can quickly go wrong. To deal with such sort of energy, nuclear power station needs highly professional personnel to be entirely concentrated on its work. Professional and always modern equipment should run like clockwork. Also, nuclear power stations are big centralized plants working still. To keep it in an appropriate condition is severe and expansive business. To fund a new nuclear power station is also a big deal. It can’t be just found in a random place. Alexis Rowell reminds of Fukushima example where the nuclear disaster happened because the station was situated on the semiotic fault line (Rowell). Energy producing process is compelling and radioactive every time, so an accident on a nuclear power station can’t be compared to one on any other station. Despite that atomic disasters are rare in comparison with accidents on other power stations, consequences are widespread.

In the U.S. the most significant nuclear disaster had happened in 1979 at Three Mile Island nuclear power plant, Pennsylvania and “no deaths or injuries were reported” (“Timeline: Nuclear Plant Accidents”). But it wasn’t the biggest one in the world. On the opposite side of the Earth, the most significant nuclear disaster had happened in 1986 at Chernobyl plant, Soviet Union (now Ukraine). It had exploded on April, 26 and set a fire which lasted for nine days, producing “at least 100 times more radiation than the atom bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima is released into the air” and caused a significant effect on the environment and on people (“Timeline: Nuclear Plant Accidents”). The thing is the damage from radiation is not always visible at once. It affects things around in particular and meaningfully means way. Though at first, two workers had been killed by the explosion at Chernobyl nuclear plant, later 47 workers died from Acute Radiation Sickness (“Timeline: Nuclear Plant Accidents”).

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