Article Writing Homework Help

I need some assistance with these assignment. the 40 winks bed and breakfast Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. the 40 winks bed and breakfast Thank you in advance for the help! Integration of traditional and modern experiences. moreover, people that have spent a night there praise it for its highly impressive and stylish design that is in every part of the home, being the key attraction factor.

Over the years, the 40 Winks has dominated the breakfast and bed industry in London, being the most prevalent and prosperous site house. appreciably, this is because of the lively and deluxe setting used for significant fashion events and celebrity photoshoots. However, initially, they focused on B&B alone but due to the high competition and demand, the manager decided to give personnel involved in photography, designing, modeling or any of the creative and fashion arts, a place that they would dwell and also work when they visit London. This incorporation of work and pleasure also makes 40 Winks stand out from the rest of the competitors, especially with the prime focus being bed and breakfast. The resilience and top-class experience have made an impact in the media too with many articles and reviews. however, most of them surfaced after 2009 when the manager decided to host photoshoots and fashion shows (The Escape List 2014). Nonetheless, as of 2014, 40 Winks is among the world’s best hotels increasing the attraction of guests interested in a place with distinct, exclusive and mystic facets (Welcome Beyond, 2014).

The research methods and data collection involved both pilot and main study where gathering 40 Winks’ information involved observation and reading through different reviews from journals, websites, articles and people that have been there in person. Relatively, through observation, one is able to monitor the behaviour of the staff, events and physical characteristics in the natural setting of 40 Winks B&B. Through this, I was able to get direct access to the social sensations of the home and an outright approach of getting both qualitative and quantitative information regarding all aspects of the hotel.

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