Article Writing Homework Help

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on the cordoba’s mosque Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on the cordoba’s mosque Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! The last intense alterations and improvements to the Mosque were in Al-Mansur’s time. he extended the prayer hall significantly. Christian’s conquest in 1236 ensured restorations of the building to Christianity and the Christians. With the support and blessing of Emperor Carlos V, in the sixteenth century, work began towards the construction of a cathedral at the heart of an Islamic precinct. The Mosque’s interior was partially destroyed. the Emperor later regretted his approval for eliminating something unique and replacing it a commonplace

A was an ample and opened space, in the Islamic culture, where believers carried the ritual ablutions before prayer. The place has been dramatically altered with time, and now it has combined two fountains under the shade of palms orange trees, and cypresses, with an arcade. Alongside the structure’s main entrance into the courtyard, just above the La Puerta del Perdon, the Gate of Forgiveness, there is the bell tower placed over the Arab minaret towards the end of the sixteenth century (Dodds, 2007).

There are arrays of columns that rise in the prayer area designed and built by the crème de la crème architects of the period. it was an unprecedented art that later influenced Islamic architecture. Top architects were hired to show the appreciation of intellectual culture among the people of Cordoba. the different Emirs were constantly gauging themselves with other states. for instance, North Africa (Triano, 2005). There are 856 columns within the nineteen naves rising with shafts made in beautiful forms and colours, and above which the curved horseshoe arches are topped with the semi-circular arches that are reminiscent of the Roman aqueducts (Dodds, 2007). The visible ochre hues on the stonework alternating with the red of the brickwork create an effect of a beautiful palm grove.

Maqsura and Mihrab

The Mihrab was the wall that the Muslim faithful faced when praying, and where the Koran was initially read from. The Maqsura is an adjacent space that was meant for the Caliph. The Mihrab is octagonal and has a shell-shaped dome with bright glittering floral mosaics as well as the Arabic inscriptions originating from the Byzantine artists. There is a glittering Mosque’s dome above the Maqsura made of marbles that are covered with mosaics (Triano, 2005).

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