Article Writing Homework Help

I will pay for the following article Measuring Cancer Cost Behaviour under Prospective Payment System in Clinical Coding. The work is to be 9 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations a

I will pay for the following article Measuring Cancer Cost Behaviour under Prospective Payment System in Clinical Coding. The work is to be 9 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. According to Berger (2008), healthcare systems are organized in a manned that allows strategic achievement of three specific objectives. The first objective relates to the collection of revenue from various sources including government, donors, and individuals. The second objective of the healthcare system is to enhance the pooling of resources from all stakeholders such that the risk of ill health is shared among every member of the pool. Lastly, every healthcare system aims to provide an affordable and accessible platform for purchasing healthcare services that suits the best expectations of individual members of society. With these objectives in mind, the financial management of healthcare resources becomes a central focus at every stage in order to strike a balance between quality services and scarcity of resources as argued by Bodenheimer and Fernandez (2005, p.27).

In the hierarchy of the National Healthcare Service, there are several healthcare trusts and public hospitals that work together to deliver health services to clients. Through the NHS, healthcare managers and commissioners are delegated the main duty of ensuring that various service providers deliver quality healthcare within the available financial resources allocated by the NHS as reiterated by Zelman et al (2009, p.75). These services are purchased by resources obtained from the pool which is managed by the NHS.

Studies indicate that in public-sponsored systems such as the one deployed by the UK, there is increased overspending, especially in public hospitals. A lot of money is used to purchase drugs and other medical deliverables that often surpass the allocated resources. Since public hospitals are heavily subsidized by the government, the majority of the population especially the poor tend to take advantage of such cheaper services beyond the optimal capacity.

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