Article Writing Homework Help

Please read the article,”Harvard Study Finds Exxon Misled Public about Climate Change” at

Please read the article,”Harvard Study Finds Exxon Misled Public about Climate Change” at reading, please respond to the following questions: What was the major premise or argument of the article? Which of Exxon’s stakeholders were most impacted by their decision to mislead the public about the impacts of burning fossil fuels? For those stakeholders, were they positively or negatively impacted? Which reasons contributed to Exxon’s ethic failure in this area? Refer to Figure 5.4 “Why Ethical Problems Occur in Business”, page 99 in the text. If we could consider Exxon as an individual, at what stage of moral development would you place it? Refer to Figure 5.5 “Stages of Moral Development and Ethical Reasoning”, page 104 in the text.

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