Article Writing Homework Help

I will pay for the following article Admissibility of Evidence in the Widdowson. The work is to be 21 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Admissibility of Evidence in the Widdowson. The work is to be 21 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. The two accused persons are said to have paid Mr. Widdowson a visit at his home. An altercation arises, and Mr. Widdowson is allegedly beaten up by his visitors and abandoned in the bathroom in an unresponsive state.&nbsp.The two accused persons are said to have paid Mr. Widdowson a visit at his home. An altercation arises and Mr. Widdowson is allegedly beaten up by his visitors and abandoned in the bathroom in an unresponsive state.&nbsp. The testimonies by the two suspects in the case are a bit conflicting. Each of the accused seems to be absolving blame from himself and directing it to the other. For instance, in Mr. Hodgson’s account, he testifies that Mr. Andrew got into an argument with Mr. Widdowson at which point Mr. Andrew accosts him with an object.&nbsp. Mr. Hodgson indicates that he left the house at about two-two thirty before things got out of hand. He describes Mr. Andrew as someone with an ill temper.&nbsp. On the other hand, Mr. Andrews account puts Mr. Hodgson as the man who violently abuses the plaintiff. Mr. Andrew accounts that Hodgson violently beats up the plaintiff using a hammer. He picks up a hammer and takes a swing at the Plaintiff who in self-defense runs to the bathroom. Hodgson follows him in there with a knife. Andrew then states that they both leave the house and head to Mr. Hodgson’s house.&nbsp. The police report indicates that they received a distress call at around four in the evening about an incident at 30 Grasmere St. Leicester. The police officer heads to the scene of the crime and finds the plaintiff lying unresponsive in the bath. The officer performs first aid on the plaintiff before the ambulance comes by. The Plaintiff is subsequently stabilized and transferred to the hospital. The officer then calls for back up to secure the crime scene for the scientific support teams who later arrive at the scene.

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