Article Writing Homework Help

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on the practical impacts of the failure of rewards Paper must be at least 1000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on the practical impacts of the failure of rewards Paper must be at least 1000 words. Please, no plagiarized work! In Blum’s article, the author indicates that rewards may be used as a source of punishment especially when the parents threaten their children of not rewarding them after failure to do a task (2). Rewards may also damage relationships if there is competition towards achieving a prize especially in the office setting, rewards may ignore my ignore the most appropriate reasons, may discourage risk-taking since the end result is certain and may also affect one’s intrinsic motivation since the challenge is faced just for the sake of it (Blum 2-3). With these in mind, the author advocates for collaboration as a way of inspiring motivation, offering meaningful content such as captivating tasks and lastly giving individuals a chance to choose what they want (Blum 3).

Alfie Kohn’s article has a major correlation with Public School Kindergarten of 5- 6-year-olds. In the article, the author explains how rewards are a source of good values and even achievement among the learners (Kohn 1). The author also explains how the failure to reward may lead to demotivated learners or even create a classroom of learners that only learn when conditioned towards studying hard simply to get a reward (Kohn 1). From these points, the author is making a good case for the article since he gives both the bad and the positive impacts of rewards on learners. The author bases his arguments on the thoughts of other writers and scholars as referenced in his work. In relation to Public School Kindergarten of 5- 6-year-olds, the article&nbsp.may be used to explain how teachers use reward to strengthen the behavior of children since a stop of the rewards has been indicated to retrogress the progress of the learners.

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