Article Writing Homework Help

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on london olympic games 2012 Paper must be at least 4500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on london olympic games 2012 Paper must be at least 4500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Many cities and government leaders have the perception that hosting a mega-event has long-term economic benefits to a region. This perception has been proven by evidence from various literature sources documenting the impact of mega-events of host cities. One such impact is the tourism legacy that the event leaves behind. This is said to one of the long term benefits of hosting such an event. The aim of this research was to understand the tourism legacy of one European destination. Since other destinations have been researched before, and there is evidence about their tourism legacies, this research selected the 2012 London Olympics. This would provide the first-hand experience on the tourism legacy that a mega-event creates, and provide fresh evidence to compare with the rest that indicates the positive economic impact of such events. This research provides evidence about the tourism legacy of an Olympic event which can be used to inform decision making on matters concerning mega-events in other regions. The Mega-event in Russia, for example, left a legacy of unused villages that were previously used during an Olympic event. London leaders learned from this and transformed previously used villages into affordable housing.

Mega-events are large scale events with mass popular appeal, a dramatic character, and international significance. Mega-events are also defined by the complexity of their organization and delivery. For an event to be considered mega it has to have considerable consequences for the host country in terms of possible debt, infrastructure, and attraction (Schuessler 5). Malfas, Theodoraki and Houlihan note that an event should be considered mega by analyzing both its internal and external characteristics. Internal characteristics are such as those pertaining to its scale and duration. The scale refers to the number of individual sessions, the number of spectators and participants.

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