Article Writing Homework Help

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Edgar A. Poe. It needs to be at least 1250 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Edgar A. Poe. It needs to be at least 1250 words. The writer tactfully succeeds in exploiting the Cardinal fear of death etched deep into the human consciousness by playing upon its subconscious realization of the inevitability of death, contrary to and against all claims to fortune, exclusiveness, fame, and power. The characters in the story are presented as basking in their self-contrived world of safety, abundance, indulgence, and opulence until they become eerily and unexpectedly aware of the death lurking amidst them. Poe manages to retain the tautness and charm of the plot right from the beginning to the end by masterly crafting the right ambiance, atmosphere, characters, themes, and setting. The craftsmanship of Edgar A. Poe manages to transcend the barriers of time and space. Poe begins his story by introducing an indulgent, idiosyncratic and stone hearted prince, who decides to play oblivious to the pestilence and plague ravishing his subjects, by escaping to an exclusively constructed retreat with an assortment of courtiers and mates. The prince and his companions are shown as traveling in their make believe world of fun and frolic, safe in their conviction that their steel jacketed world was impervious to the claims of death and mortality. However, the story suffers a grim twist when their air tight world ends up becoming their trap and eventually surrenders them to the all encompassing inevitability of death and decay. Poe introduces a societal element into the story, which extends the appeal of his sense of horror and mystery to both rich and poor.&nbsp.

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