Article Writing Homework Help

Write a 7 pages paper on sap’s plan. The software of this company was written in Walldorf, they took several months to develop, and their installation would require a team of experts. The coming of th

Write a 7 pages paper on sap’s plan. The software of this company was written in Walldorf, they took several months to develop, and their installation would require a team of experts. The coming of the internet brought turbulence to the SAP business. Internet brought completion in the software market. Other companies were producing software that were easy to install and were relatively cheaper than those of SAP.

The management of SAP was suspicious of the internet business. However, they decided to experiment on it by creating of subsidiaries dealing exclusively with internet. The move by management to give internet a trial was a prudent one. Creation of subsidiaries was also a safety precaution that the outcome of internet business would not have an effect on the core operations of the company. In addition, the company made acquisitions. One of the acquisition companies head was Mr. Agassi who was a founder of four companies by the age of twenty-four.

The management of SAP is in the hands of Mr. Kagermann and Mr. Plattner as co-chief executives. In the making of decisions concerning the operation of the organization, one does not see consultative meeting between them. Mr. Plattner argues with Mr. Agassi in their first meeting. As a result, he challenges him by giving him difficult assignment. Further, he places Mr. Agassi in charge of hundreds of staff and web units.

The decisions by this executive seem to be authoritative. The mode of communication is top to a bottom. Mr. Agassi becomes a success in his responsibility. The executive decides that it is time to let go of their conservatism and drive the organization into trending business strategies. This is a major decision. Proper implementation of this decision would make the organization profitable and competitive in the global market. The executive needs to offer leadership which can be done through communication and involving all stakeholders.

The management puts Mr.

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