Article Writing Homework Help

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Todays and Tomorrows Technologies. It needs to be at least 1500 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Todays and Tomorrows Technologies. It needs to be at least 1500 words. “OSS has challenged the conventional wisdom of the software engineering and software business communities, has been instrumental for educators and researchers, and has become an important aspect of e-government and information society initiatives” (par. 1). In this regard, the current research aims to proffer pertinent issues relative to the discovery and description of OSS. The discourse would likewise provide relevant information relating to the features, drivers, and uses of the OSS. In addition, legal issues and concerns affecting its application would be expounded. prior to presenting future trends within the OSS phenomenon.

The website of TechTarget (2012) defines the OSS as “a software that is developed, tested, or improved through public collaboration and distributed with the idea that the must be shared with others, ensuring an open future collaboration” (par. 1). OSS is computer software that contains its fundamental ‘source code’ that is made available under a license. It facilitates users to adapt it and further improve it.

OSS is also a topic of great interest to policymakers. The term ‘Open Source’ was publicly familiarized after 1990. The OSS has many variations and is continually evolving as it is widely spread in the commercial world (David & Michael, 2002).

The origin of the OSS dates back to 1970s through the creation of Richard Stallman. He valued freedom of speech and therefore developed a system through an innovative idea that sharing source code has no harm.&nbsp.

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