Article Writing Homework Help

As a group, you are to develop a Disaster Recovery Plan/Business Continuity Plan (DRP/BCP) for Wilmington University Library. For this project, the class is broken into 4 groups as listed below, each

As a group, you are to develop a Disaster Recovery Plan/Business Continuity Plan (DRP/BCP) for Wilmington University Library. For this project, the class is broken into 4 groups as listed below, each with a different contingency planning emphasis. Here is where you will collaborate with your group to complete your group assignments.

Group Assignment:

  • Group 1 – Natural Disasters – Snow, Flood, Hurricane/Tornadoes, Earthquakes
    • Group Members
  • Group 2 – Manmade Disasters – Hazardous Materials, Building fire, Electrical Outage
    • Group Members
  • Group 3 – Manmade Disasters – Protest, Active Shooter, Bomb/Unknown Package
    • Group Members
  • Group 4 – Incident Response – Cyber Hack, Denial of Service, Data Compromise
    • Group Members

Once you identify your group, please subscribe to the group thread and provide your e-mail address for group members. You will receive an individual participation grade for your discussion board engagement based on the group discussion board rubric.

you should write about group 4 and in group 4 write about data comprimise.

APA format is not at all required, just normal discussion

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