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Compose a 250 words assignment on extreme sports. Needs to be plagiarism free! Extreme Sports Extreme Sports There are more questions than answers as to what pushes individuals to participate in hazar

Compose a 250 words assignment on extreme sports. Needs to be plagiarism free! Extreme Sports Extreme Sports There are more questions than answers as to what pushes individuals to participate in hazardous sports or activities. However, people have different innate characteristics. People who are often involved in extreme sports tend to have a lot of adrenaline and their participation in such activities give fulfillment. Interestingly, when these individuals have conquered a particular extreme activity, they get motivated to attempt to accomplish a more difficult activity than that which has been conquered. In reference to a hazardous sport like triathlons, the difference between the non-elites and elite is in terms of goal as the first motivator after which competition follows (Hatfield, 2011).

The public perceives that individuals who take part in such sports are not only irresponsible but also burdensome to society. Despite the fact that extreme sports being unappealing to the public, there is a significant section that finds these activities as fulfilling in their lives. It, therefore, indicates the difference and diversity of the society since to some degree every individual has some degree of the adventure though this tends to differ since some require extreme adventure for fulfillment. Some of these individuals are referred to as T types who are often stimulated by hazardous activities. However, the T type individuals go beyond those who participate in extreme sports as it encompasses the best entrepreneurs and inventors among others who have influenced the progress of the society to a considerable extent (Mountain, 2006). Unfortunately, the T type behaviors are prevalent to poor social habits such as drug abuse, gambling et cetera.

However, the dangers of these are increasingly becoming a challenge that needs to be addressed. Several participants have sustained serious life-threatening injuries and on some occasions, these activities have caused the death of individuals. It is strange to believe that organizers and sponsors of such sports and activities invite participants to participant in these events by luring them with cash without taking interest in either the safety or the health of the participants (Pell, 2013).


Pell, D (2013). The Crash Reel. Dir. Lucy Walker. &nbsp.HBO Documentaries. 2013. Documentary. The History of Winter X Games: Part 1.&nbsp.Snowboard Magazine. Retrieved on 19th May 2015 from

Mountain, B (2006). Living on the Edge: Extreme Sports and their Role in Society. Retrieved on 19th May 2015 from

Hatfield, H (2011). Extreme Sports: What’s the Appeal? Retrieved on 19th May 2015 from http://www.webmd.

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