Article Writing Homework Help

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on developing strategic management and leadership skills.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on developing strategic management and leadership skills. The present research has identified that leadership is the supremacy to stimulate people with words, actions and deeds using vision, faith, and honesty (Northouse, 2009. Giuliani & Kurson, 2005). Leadership involves fairly inspiring others to follow guidelines which should consist of both bureaucratic (procedural) and substantive (character-based) aspects. The procedural dimension of leadership includes problem-solving and decision-making practice within the circle of ethics. For instance, leadership demands that the leaders, before practicing their decisions, discuss them with parties which are going to be affected by their decisions, so as to make them feel respected. The substantive aspect of leadership includes knowledge, tough standards and guts to pursue directions regardless of opposition. “Ethical leadership predicts outcomes such as perceived effectiveness of leaders, followers’ job satisfaction and dedication, and their willingness to report problems to management”, affirm Brown, Travino, and Harrison (2005). If the leadership is thriving, capable and bright, then the outcome is more prolific than anticipated. The accomplishment of an organization depends mainly on value-based actions and decisions. If a leader works according to his values and sees a manufacturing error in his product, then he will certainly tell the client about the fault without hiding the truth. He will discuss the issue with the personnel and the client to let them know that he genuinely wishes to remove the error. This endorses confidence between the company and the client. Furthermore, leadership will take care of the employees so as to preserve a vigorous environment within the organization. A leader will verify that the salaries are being paid in time. will pursue a system of rewards and bonuses. and, will listen to the employees’ troubles and will try to remove them. This will keep them working at high competence. The leader will make agreements with business partners while respecting their decisions. This confidence between the partners makes the organization grow and maintains its integrity. A leader will know how to schedule his projects keeping in mind the time frame and instructs the team to manage their work schedules accordingly.&nbsp.He knows that he has to abide by the rules and regulations he has agreed upon while signing a contract and will never back off. All this adds to the progress of the organization.

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