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Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on bureaucracy in housing and support organisations.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on bureaucracy in housing and support organisations. Bureaucracy can be developed either in the context of the state or in the context of an organization. in the first case, bureaucracy is established through a bureaucratic agency while in the second case the framework through which bureaucracy is promoted is known as a bureaucratic enterprise (Calhun et al. 2007, p.264). The value of bureaucracy within organizations is highlighted in the work of well-known theorists, such as Weber. Of course, there have been oppositions towards the potential use of bureaucracy in the organizational environment. The risk of de-humanization of the organization involved (Du Gay, 2000, p.40) and the promotion of ‘technical ethics instead of moral ethics’ (Du Gay, 2000, p.40) are used as common arguments against bureaucracy. The potential use of bureaucracy for the increase of organizational efficiency is examined in this paper. Reference is made to the appropriateness of the bureaucracy for the housing and support organizations. It is proved that bureaucracy can help to the increase of the efficiency of these organizations under the terms that the application of the principles of this concept is closely monitored. The views of Weber on bureaucracy have been employed in this study in order to verify the appropriateness of the specific concept for modern organizations.

Bureaucracy has been extensively examined and analyzed by Weber. in accordance with Weber, bureaucracy should be considered ‘as being superior compared to other forms of administration’ (Morrison, 2006, p.381). the superiority of bureaucracy can be identified to the fact that technically bureaucracy can respond to all administrative needs of organizations – while other forms of administration may fail. however, Weber notes that in order for the superiority of bureaucracy to be established it is necessary for its technical elements to be appropriately promoted (Morrison et al., 2006, p.381).

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