Article Writing Homework Help

Need an research paper on organizational culture and behavior. Needs to be 8 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on organizational culture and behavior. Needs to be 8 pages. Please no plagiarism. The main theme of the three articles is a discussion on the topic of organizational culture. Organizational culture occupies the central thoughts of the authors in their respective articles. Their research studies are centered on a comprehensive analysis of organizational culture relative to their topic of study. The three articles have a common definition of organizational culture as they refer to it as values and behaviors that create a unique environment within an organization. The authors also appreciate the role of organizational culture in the success of any organization. They also relate the main theme of organizational behavior to the success of an organization. The theme is discussed in the context of an organization.

The three authors have managed to provide comprehensive literature on the topic of organizational culture in their articles. The literature materials in the three articles cover key areas such as the definition and application of the concept of organizational culture in various settings. The literature review part of their articles covers an average of two pages of the total content of their articles. This is a clear indication that the authors are committed to making their readers understand the concept of organizational culture as well as the discussions of their findings. Anyone reading through the literature contents of the articles will have a comprehensive view of the topic and have an understanding of how it relates to the topic of study.

The three articles present the implications of the respective research studies in terms of future research studies and application of the concept of organizational culture. According to the three articles, readers will be able to improve their understanding of the topic of organizational culture and how the topic is applied in different settings. The authors have emphasized the need for researchers to conduct additional research on the topics of study in order to enhance their understanding of the topics.

The main difference between the three articles is their research topics. Each of the three authors has explored a different research topic that discusses the topic of organizational culture. They present different perspectives with regard to the application of the topic. Shah explores a research topic on “Influential Role of Culture on Leadership Effectiveness and Organizational Performance.” The research topic for the authors of the article was derived from the fact that they recognized the influence of organizational culture on leadership and performance. The article provides a comprehensive discussion of how organizational culture relates to the two concepts of leadership effectiveness and organizational performance.

Mohanty (2012) is the author of the article titled “Influence of Organizational Culture on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Three-Sector Study.” The author discusses the relationship between different characteristics of organizational culture and their effect on organizational citizenship behavior. He analyzes conducts his research studies on three dominant sectors of an economy including manufacturing, banking and, information and technology. On the other hand, Agbényiga (2011) analyzes the relationship between organizational culture and the delivery of effective human services.

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