Article Writing Homework Help

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Electronic Commerce and Information Security and Ethics. Your paper should be a minimum of 2000 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Electronic Commerce and Information Security and Ethics. Your paper should be a minimum of 2000 words in length. The essay tells that most of the products and services involved include. shopping for goods and services, conducting banking and monetary transactions, playing online interactive games, sending and receiving emails, linking to social networks to connect to people and finally trading stocks and shares. On the other hand, online presence refers to the sum of all identities created either personally or business-wise, interactions created by these identities and those that a business or a person have participated in online. A successful online presence is bound to earn an individual or business followers, fans and customers. Another benefit of a good online presence is that it is bound to spread brand awareness which is the dream of every business out there. Therefore, building an online presence entails establishing the goals of an individual or the business, creating accounts and profiles, building a website which will serve as the home base and finally working on the best ways to engage and interact online. The first step businesses need to take into account when creating an online presence is strategizing their business goals. By doing this it will help them understand their business goals whether short term or long term that are driving them to create an online presence. This is the time to also assess the impact of the online presence to your business goals. This stage helps in creating an online presence that will impact positively on the goals of the business. The next step is creating a solid platform. The most important thing in this step is to create a website which is going to be the home base for the business. A website facilitates your online presence by creating a platform for your business where people can find it easily and learn more about what they offer. Through this, they can interact, engage, and contact you in case they need your services. Therefore, search engine optimization, clear message about the business, contact page, are a prerequisite in ensuring a good website to establish your online presence.

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