Article Writing Homework Help

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Kellys and Ellis Approaches to Cognitive Therapies. It needs to be at least 1250 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Kellys and Ellis Approaches to Cognitive Therapies. It needs to be at least 1250 words. First, a common thing that the approaches seem to address is the attempt to give the client’s cognitive strategies, a different direction. In addition, the approaches tend to emphasize a model of therapy attributable to science. Taking into account the less cognitive approaches that are directive in nature, the two approaches consider the therapist as a directive, verbal, and active agent. Robert et al. (2002) put a similar observation on this similarity by saying that the two approaches underscore the cognitive process. As such, they aim at putting emphasis on the desire of a person to have control of his environment as well as the need to comprehend the cause and effect of relationships.

Still, considering the two therapeutic approaches, an underscore on the analysis of elicitors of shyness that can be considered external, and, the fact that they emphasize specific situations as well as attending to affiliate cognition in an effort to service and maintain shyness. In addition to this, David (2004) asserted that the two approaches hold views that are similar concerning the will that cognitive factors have on the dysfunctional and behaviors that are self-defeating.

The two approaches to therapy can be considered similar in the state that, they tend to put emphasis on the importance of beliefs. Again, Kelly’s personal construct theory asserts that developing cognition is important if cognitions in a personality are to be understood (David, 2004). They share the same view that beliefs, whether a person is aware of them or not, affect the behaviors of a person. Where Ellis hypothesized on thoughts that are unconscious, Kelly focused on thoughts that are automatic in nature, and which tend to cause distress.

Ellis and Kelly’s approaches to therapy have a similar primary objective. As such, they seem to attend elementarily to misconceptions of a client by rectifying them (David, 2004). They do so by assisting the client to achieve effectiveness in the way they behave and think. In addition, Ellis uses challenging as well as active approaches aimed at confronting beliefs, which are irrigational. Both Ellis and Kelly put their client’s belief system to a challenge through direct interaction. As such, they tend to believe that, if they change assumptions that are inaccurate, there is a notable change in a client towards overcoming psychological disorders.

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