Article Writing Homework Help

I need some assistance with these assignment. creatingyour dream job Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. creatingyour dream job Thank you in advance for the help! Teamwork Able to lead the team with expertise, address team conflicts, use emotional intelligence to understand team dynamics and synergize individual strengths into team’s overall strengths. Interpersonal Skills Able to socialize with and empathize/respect people to gain a good rapport and credibility and be aware of prevailing issues, maintain composure in critical situations. Problem Solving and Decision making skills Able to identify current and potential problems/opportunities and take a quick and informed decision before or during the issue at hand. Planning and Organizing skills Able to weigh and prioritize the tasks, set and meet objectives and deadlines by devising plans to ensure successful execution of activities. Creativity Brings innovative and cost effective ideas/solutions to problems, introduces a positive change by identifying and applying best practices, makes efficient use of available resources to deal with all HR operations. MS Office and Internet Able to use technology to communicate throughout the organization for handling conflicts and manage HRIS and other HR related Operations, proficient in MS Excel and MS Word for document and data maintenance. AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY Maintain HR Business Relationships by observing cost and headcount trends, evaluating employee feedbacks to identify unusual trends and provide relevant solutions to relevant departments. Oversee the entire Recruitment and Selection process including identifying hiring needs, implementing cost-effective sourcing of candidates and oversee orientation in compliance with company’s recruitment and selection procedure. Oversee and manage the Performance Appraisal process in communication with the Line Managers and update the HOF with relevant results that is the names of high performers and low performers. Oversee and manage the Training and Development programs at regional level by identifying training needs, facilitating Line Managers in developing Development Plans/career paths and updating HOF with training schedules. Manage employee relations by conducting regular meetings with Line Managers to identify workplace dissatisfactions and conflicts, suggest them appropriate ways of managing these issues, conduct exit interviews and update HOF with full report. Manage HR Operations at regional level Manage Job Descriptions’ provisions and updates to ensure JD’s for all positions are available and updated. Highlight employee engagement needs in the region, coordinate with Organizational Development to plan appropriate activities and facilitate development programs.

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