Article Writing Homework Help

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on managing diversity and equality Paper must be at least 2250 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on managing diversity and equality Paper must be at least 2250 words. Please, no plagiarized work! By analyzing the comments and the quotes of the people, as well as their intents from points of view like economic and organizational differences, and historical and contextualized approach, we see that the comments that are given by the people do not imply racism. We see the reasons behind those comments as we analyze from where these people are standing in order for them to give comments.

In the end, we determine that the comments have nothing to do with racism, as explained and supported by some theories of diversity, and that the anti-migration stand of the people who give comments are backed up by other reasons other than racism.

The article is entitled “Leaked list out Aussie fascists supporters” which is written by Asher Moses and downloaded from on November 21, 2008. The article probes the reaction of some of the fifteen Australians that are seen to be included in a leaked database of names who are members or supporters of the British Nationalist Party. The British Nationalist Party, according to the article is “shunned by many of those outside Britain’s ultra-conservative sphere due to its hardline, racist views – including that foreigners should be sent home (Moses 1).”

Some of the fifteen Australian members of BNP are asked regarding their comments on the list published on the internet that contains their names. Two of them, Arthur Grice and Benjamin Hugh have raised some points as regards their view regarding anti-migration. Both of them declare that they do not see white people as “inherently superior” but have given some views on why they support curtailment of mass migration.

This issue can first be analyzed by using the organizational or economic perspective of diversity, which Maddy Janssens and Chris Steyaert explored in their paper entitled “Theories of Diversity within Organisation Studies: Debates and Future Trajectories (2003).” According to them, diversity can be looked at and analyzed from an economic and organizational perspective. This perspective analyzes diversity by the characteristics that impact the organization.

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