Article Writing Homework Help

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on marketing reflective journal Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on marketing reflective journal Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work! The week focused on refining the research proposal crafting process. The topic included determining relevant problem identification research and problem-solving research. The proposed research must include Fashion, media, marketing, and related fashion marketing.

The week focused on planning an effective research proposal. The marketing research included problem-solving which includes segmentation research, distributions research, product research, pricing research, and promotion research. The research included the problem identification research that includes market potential research, image research, marketing characteristics research, and sales projection analysis research.

I learned that the New York fashion week and the London Fashion week are the top viral topics in the online social media discussions. The London fashion week is the most discussed United Kingdom social media outlet (Brandwatch 2012).

Many companies use Facebook and other social media sites to advertise their products during chosen sports events. The sports events include the FIFA World Cup. The social media websites allowed two- way communication between the customers and social media advertisers (Millan, 2012).

Leaders correctly prefer a fashion style that brings them out of the average fashion group. An analysis of factors affecting fashion opinion leadership and fashion opinion was correctly done (Goldsmith, 2008).

During Weeks 1 to 4, the research included several highs and lows. Most of the time, there were highs. There were only a few lows. The ease in searching for fashion trend references contributed to the constant highs of the week. During week 6 to 9, the research also included both highs and lows. However, most of the time there were more lows than highs. The difficulty to find the research proposal references contributed to more lows than highs.

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