Article Writing Homework Help

Need an research paper on cities and urban life are the inevitable outcome of human evolution. Needs to be 12 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on cities and urban life are the inevitable outcome of human evolution. Needs to be 12 pages. Please no plagiarism. The number will rise to about 5 billion by 2013, with urban and city growth concentrated in Asia and Africa. While mega-cities have managed to capture much of public attention, the new growth will happen in smaller cities and towns that have fewer resources to react to the scale of the change. Cities are said to offer a more favorable background for solving environmental and social problems than rural areas. Urban areas generate income and jobs. With proper governance, cities can deliver health care, education, and other services in a more efficient manner than less densely populated areas since they have the advantages of proximity and scale (Alter 2005). Urban areas also present an opportunity for women’s empowerment and social mobilization. The density of city life can reduce pressure on areas of biodiversity and natural habitats. The main problem for the years to come is to learn how to use the possibilities offered by urbanization.

Urban growth due to natural increase is will be realized, but the size and the rate of the increase will vary from region to region. One of the most effective ways that can slow down the rates of urban and city growth is to decrease unwanted fertility in both urban and rural areas. Empowering women, lowering poverty, and the provision of good reproductive health services influence preferences of fertility and capacity to meet them. Records indicate that fertility rates are lower in urban areas as compared to rural areas around the world. The fact that a majority of people in developing countries are the youth implies that the urban population growth will increase rapidly for some years to come (Deleuze & Guattari 1988). Impoverished urban women are less likely than their well-off counterparts to be accessible to reproductive contraception or health. It is no secret that poor women in urban areas have high fertility rates. Migration acts as a considerable causing agent to urbanization.&nbsp.

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