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Need an research paper on critical analysis for sidlow’s freshman orientation: house style and home style. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on critical analysis for sidlow’s freshman orientation: house style and home style. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism. Hence, the book is informative on the challenges that legislators go through during the transition period. balancing life sometimes becomes very difficult.

Sidlows follows the life of Joe Schwartz as he progresses through the various phases of a first-year legislator. He becomes involved in numerous policy areas such as jockeying for choice committee assignments. He also develops a style that permits him to communicate effectively with other members while staying in touch with constituents at home. Sidlow uses an interesting first hand reportorial and narrative style to define the events. At the same time, he effortlessly incorporates data and information on specific topics. Additionally, he uses photos and other illustrations to bring the experience of the Congress to life. The striking aspect to the reader is watching Congressman Schwartz adjust to the tremendous information overload that is forced into members of the freshman congress. From this description, it is evidenced that the author wanted to engage readers and provide them with valid facts relating to what new legislators go through and he successfully managed.

It is striking, the kind of hours that the new congressmen are put in. Additionally, it is striking the range of issues that the new congressional representatives deal with. In the case of Joe Schwartz, everything matters. From very localized matters of agriculture to serious issues of homeland security.

However, Schwartz did not put as much time on fundraising as it was expected for the congressional representatives. Sidlow thinks Schwartz was resentful of the bite that took out his time. Therefore, readers are denied information regarding the interaction as well as conducts of legislators on fundraising.

According to Sidlow, a member of Congress, particularly new members have to be extremely active in casework of their constituents.

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