Article Writing Homework Help

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses the importance of being ernest. econd identity apart from their own, which Algernon calls “Bunburying.” Apart from naming others, women in the play also fulf

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses the importance of being ernest. econd identity apart from their own, which Algernon calls “Bunburying.” Apart from naming others, women in the play also fulfill various traditional and non-traditional roles. Their traditional roles are based on notions of womanhood and their jobs as mothers and daughters. Their non-traditional roles, on the contrary, are also present in the play because of their need to gain power in society. The role of women in the play is to earnestly follow their traditional and nontraditional roles in society and families to protect their families’ interests and to advance their own personal aspirations for power and social relationships.

Women’s traditional roles involve dutifully following gender roles and responsibilities to their families as daughters because they want to protect their family’s interests. Gwendolen and Cecily have their own stubbornness as individuals, but they still generally follow their mother and uncle, respectively, because they are their parents. Though already engaged to Jack, Gwendolen obeys her mother’s orders for her to go to the carriage because the latter wants to interview and disapprove Jack as a fiancé. Gwendolen says, “Yes, mamma,” like any dutiful daughter would (Wilde Act 1). Daughters have roles to their mothers, and that is to obey them even against their own desires. Cecily seems to be a bit more stubborn than Gwendolen in following her Uncle Jack. She does not like studying, in particular, and enjoys writing in her Diary and daydreaming more, so when it comes to studies, her main attitude is: “Horrid Political Economy! Horrid Geography! Horrid, horrid German!” (Wilde Act 2). She is not concerned of the ways of the world, but the ways of her mind, although that does not stop her from obeying Jack. She respects him as her uncle, which is as close as being a daughter to a father would have.

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