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Create a 3 pages page paper that discusses new yorks soda ban: an attack on americans freedom.

Create a 3 pages page paper that discusses new yorks soda ban: an attack on americans freedom. To curb this menace, the American government had imposed restrictions on the size of the containers selling these aerated sugary drinks. The move was favored by the New York City Board of Health which restricted the sale of beverage containers beyond 16 ounces. Obesity has many root causes and simply limiting the size of the container to stop the problem would not be justifiable. Besides, it is a violation of the right of an individual to consume a product according to his wishes. No government can impose restrictions on the number of consumer goods and utilities that are provided for its citizens. Thus, the thesis statement can be presented as “imposing a restriction on the sale of soda cans in America cannot solve obesity and violates the freedom of its citizens.” New York Bans the Sale of Soda Cans Obesity is a growing health problem all over the world. In America, most of the people are known to suffer from this disease. In a story broadcasted in the CNN, on September 13, 2012, New York City’s Board of Health had voted to impose the ban on selling sugary drinks in those containers that would be greater than 16 ounces. This was applicable in all entertainment places and restaurants in the city (Lerner). The decision was not accepted by the people as there were many loopholes in it. There were many social consequences that were violated by this rule. Arguments against the Ban 1. The rule was imposed in a move to combat the problem of obesity and related health disorders. However, it has to be understood that it cannot be the only solution to+ curing the disease. Firstly, by restricting the size of the cans, the Americans believed the government had violated their basic right of choosing. They felt that if a ban is imposed on the amount of food they could consume today, it might lead to other forms of restrictions, too, in the +–future. Besides, “Humans are unique in the meaning they attach to food,” as said by Craig Hadley who is a professor of anthropology at Emory University (Mertens). This meant that the size of the cans also carried some significance for an average American.&nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp.&nbsp.

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