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You will prepare and submit a term paper on Security Operations Management Practicum. Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Security Operations Management Practicum. Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words in length. Security Operations Management Practicum


Adjudicative process is cross examination and careful weighing of a person’s correct and reliable information either about his or her past or present life (Herbig 12). The adjudicator should thoroughly examine the available information in reaching a determination. The research in this paper explores some case scenarios on how to apply adjudication guidelines to two individuals (Ronald James Smith and Susan Julia Kidwell) requesting access to classified information based on the results of their background investigations.

If I was an adjudicator and considering the investigative report done by the Special Agent, FBI, on Smith Ronald James Smith DPOB: 2/5/1976, I would have not granted her the security clearance request According to the investigative report gathered, the credit agencies had no unfavorable financial information on Smith. He was born in Davenport, Iowa, in 1976, on his security form it. he indicated that he had been arrested in high school over alleged smoking of marijuana. According to guideline regarding drug involvement, drug abuse is a condition that can raise a security concern and thus disqualifies an individual from been granted security clearance. By definition, drug abuse is the illegal use a drug in a manner that deviates from the correctly approved medical direction. Accordion to the Controlled Substance Act of 1970, Marijuana or Cannabis is classified as an illegal drug (Herbig 12). Further, a review of State Department travel records indicated that Smith had traveled outside the country in four different occasions. However, the date he indicated on his security form regarding his tour to Moscow did not match with the date on indicated in the State Department travel record. As if that was not enough, on his security form, he failed to indicate his tour to Rome, Italy. In the travel state department it is clearly indicated that he travelled to he traveled to Rome, Italy on September 15, 1988 and returned on October 15, 1988. According to the Guideline E, personal conduct, dishonesty and questionable judgment is a concern that can result to unfavorable action for clearance eligibility (Herbig 12). However, smith could have mitigated the security concerns if in good faith efforts he corrected the falsification of the dates before he was confronted with the facts.

Other the other hand, if I was an adjudicator and considering the investigative report done by the Special Agent, FBI, on Susan Julia Kidwell, DPOB: 7/5/1986, I would have granted her the security clearance request. The aggravating factor that I would consider first is that kidwel profoundly admitted that she owed the credit card debt and after discovering this, she filed for bankruptcy. Moreover, she gives a valid reason for not listing the credit problems or bankruptcy. it was necessitated because she was afraid that she might not get the position which she desperately needed. Notably, she later cleared all her outstanding debts and she had no current outstanding financial obligations. In line with Guideline F regarding Financial Considerations, if a behavior (financial debt) happens in a circumstance that is unlikely to recur and does not cast doubt on individual’s current reliability, good judgment or trustworthiness, such a condition could lead to mitigating a security concern (Herbig12). Such is a similar case surrounding Susan Julia Kidwell, DPOB: 7/5/1986.


The Defense Security Service in the administration of the National Industrial Security Program is mandated with many tasks. They receive and investigate incident reports, assign security representatives, provide valuable on-going oversight, guidance and control. Also, they are mandated with the role of conducting preliminary and annual security reviews.

To obtain a facility security clearance, a civilian contractor who has been awarded a classified government contract must first request entry for the private entity. Secondly, twenty, contactor or the firm must have good reputation with undisputed integrity and lawful conduct. Finally, the contractor should ensure that he or she is not under any foreign influence or control.

If my company received a U.S Government contract to design an aircraft prototype that is classified as top secret. As the company Facility Security Officer, I would brief the employees about framework that would be used to supervise and direct security measures.

Works Cited

Herbig, Katherine L. The Evolution of Adjudicative Guidelines in the Department of Defense. , 2011. Internet resource.

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