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Topic When organizations are implementing security policies, what business considerations must they take into account and why is this important? Instructions 1) APA format 2) References 3) Body Citat


When organizations are implementing security policies, what business considerations must they take into account and why is this important?


1) APA format

2) References

3) Body Citations

4) No Plagiarism

5) 350 words

6) 2 responses (each 150 words)


Over the ongoing years, associations of every kind are grasping data frameworks and advances to endure and have the option to contend in an exceptionally serious condition. Associations are progressively getting reliant upon the accessibility and abuse of great data inside their frameworks. The exceptionally touchy data, has not gotten away from the consideration of programmers, digital hoodlums and rouge representatives who try to harm the association’s notoriety by taking the information. Data frameworks are often refreshing and creating all through associations comprehensively, so it is essential that sufficient security and control methodology are acquainted with guarantee that all touchy data is secure inside their data frameworks to ensure its honesty and privacy.

This has made associations mindful to perceive their duties to verify their physical and data resources in light of the fact that there is broad proof to propose that dangers, to security of information are expanding each year and in particular, the seriousness of the effect it has caused the association. People have a wide exhibit of assault choices, for example, deleting a client information base, unapproved get to, human mistake, planting infections, sending a Trojan Horse, duplicating individual records, while the present danger incorporates hacking and digital fear based oppression.

Subsequently, viable IS security requires comprehension and execution of IS security strategies and rules that will guarantee associations of their important resources. In the present day, there are a wide range of sorts of security models, polices and rules that associations can follow as well, so as to create and keep up their position against cybercrime which is a significant danger in this day and age. The security approach is essentially an arrangement, sketching out what the association’s basic resources are and how they should be ensured .The security strategy furnishes staff with data of the ‘worthy utilization’ of any of their benefits, with a clarification of what is passable and what isn’t.


Implementation of security policies and associated business factors

Security policies and procedures should be implemented within a firm because it can offer a basic guideline to the employees, customers, and contractors (Al-Awadi & Renaud, 2007). Irrespective of the size of the business, security policy implementation should be considered a priority because of risks and hazards related to data breaches are the most common occurrences within an organization. However, it is not enough to implement policies and standards. Businesses must consider a few factors or requirements that create the need for policy implementation. Contractors and employees should comply with the standards as well.

The factors that businesses must consider

Businesses realize they need for security policy implementation after considering a few factors. The elements or considerations are associated with business operations. An outline has been given based on a few considerations-

  • A need to compare the policies with other organizations- Organizations that have already implemented some policies should be considered because the outcomes of the implementation are vital for consideration. The business would gain real insights and practical understanding of implementing a policy or standard.
  • Identifying the need for privacy – A business operates within a continually changing environment (Park, Ahmad & Ruighaver, 2010). Data theft or data loss can be common occurrences. Maintaining confidentiality becomes a priority for the business. Policies and standards should be implemented after identifying this need. Based on the identification and assessment, it would be feasible to take action. Resources should be used, and unauthorized access to users can be prevented after identifying the need for confidentiality.
  • Targeting the issues within the business- There is no point in implementing standards and policies without identifying the real issues that are troubling a business. Identifying the issues is necessary because issue-based policies can be implemented. This, in turn, would reduce the prevalence of the issues.
  • Focus on strategic planning- Strategic planning mainly involves creating the mission and vision of the organization and working towards meeting the organizational objectives. Aligning with the strategies of the firm is a necessity before implementing standards and policies. The purpose of the security policies is to prevent activities that are not aligned with the strategic vision and mission.

Significance of valuing the business factors

Businesses need to understand that policy implementation can be fruitful only when business leaders are aware of the need for a particular security policy. Threats and hazards are most likely to occur when businesses do not specify the need for policy implementation. Most importantly, it is vital to consider and compare the outcomes of policy with another organization. The digital age is witnessing significant changes, and it is necessary to keep the organization updated with the latest standards. There is a need to create a compliance culture within the firm (Chang & Ho, 2006). Uniformity and legal compliance are vital, as well. Apart from identifying the strategies on time and aligning the business objectives with standards and policies is a vital requirement as well. Review and modification of policies would ensure the safety of the firm. Confidential information must be safeguarded at all costs.

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