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Complete 7 pages APA formatted article: International Relations of Global Environmental Change.

Complete 7 pages APA formatted article: International Relations of Global Environmental Change. It is important to understand however the problems of implementing stern policies. The consequences of these policies on environment will be highly negative and this may decrease international trade drastically. Developing world is lacking the technology to produce environmental friendly products (Matsumura, A. 2010). They are taking initiatives but it will take a lot of time for any major change. In such situation where developing world in lacking resources, the strict policies for environmental protection can cause damage to their economy and to the world as well. Reducing global trade can lead the world into a financial crunch. This is why World Trade Organization cannot take up strict policies regarding global trade. International trade needs to be encouraged in order to maintain the economic prosperity in the world.

Countries like South Korea and Taiwan have an export oriented economy. If the global trade is reduced then their economy will suffer badly. Also the world cannot just ban products from the developing world because they are producing high quality cheap products. The same products cannot be produced with similar costs in the developed world.This means that the world economy will also suffer if developing countries are forced to abide by the environmental protection law. People all over the world will have to pay high costs for products and economies of developing countries will suffer as a result of strict restrictions on global trade. This is the reason why global trade cannot be curtailed over environmental concerns.

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