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I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Research Methods for Business by Uma Sekaran. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Research Methods for Business by Uma Sekaran. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. This paper intends to show how the problem at hand can be taken through the processes of research discussed in the following sections.

Theoretical framework and hypothesis development

This chapter provides an exclusive description of a research process through a theoretical framework and hypothesis development. This process includes the identification of variables and basic features of a theoretical framework. In addition, the process involves the development of a hypothesis. In most cases, the hypothesis developed revolves around the situation at hand. There are four types of variables namely dependent, independent, moderating and mediating variables. It is imperative to note that this research process involves labeling and linking variables amongst themselves wit the intent of forming a theoretical framework (Uma, 2010). A theoretical framework is a significant aspect of any research method since it provided the overall direction of the research process. Moreover, the theoretical framework is regarded as the foundation of any hypothetical-deductive research. It forms the basis of the hypothesis that will be developed.

The process of building a theoretical framework involves the introduction of definitions of variables in the model, developing a theoretical model intended to provide an evocative demonstration of the theory and coming up with a theory that is intended to provide a justification for associations amid variables in the model. After developing a theoretical framework, the development of testable hypothesis follows. These hypotheses are intended to examine whether the theory is sound suitable or not. Statistical analyses should then be used to test the hypothesized associations. It is notable that the entire research rests on the theoretical framework (Uma, 2010).

This study observes that advancing a superior theoretical framework is fundamental to probing the problem under exploration. It is imperative to note that the theoretical framework provides a conceptual base to proceed with research, which includes a proper understanding of the associations of the variable network. A variable refers to anything that can assume varying values. Some of the examples of variables include production units, motivation, and absenteeism. An independent variable is one that affects the dependent variable. This implies that both the independent and dependent covary in such a way that a change in the dependent variable leads to change in the independent variable.

On the other hand, a moderating variable performs the role of imparting strong contingent effect on the relationship amid the independent and dependent variables. Moreover, the moderating variable modifies the initial relationship between the two variables. Having considered the basics of variables the next but most critical step in the development of a theoretical framework (Uma, 2010). As observed earlier the theoretical framework forms the sure base of the entire research project. It is imperative to note that the framework is based on logical development, clear-cut description and elaborated network of relationship amongst the variables. The variables should be relevant to the problem under investigation. Above all, this study observes that intuition and experience play a significant role in the development of the theoretical framework.&nbsp.After building the theoretical framework, the derivation of the hypotheses follows.

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