Article Writing Homework Help

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on m3a1-conflict. The results indicate that I have a 76 percentile score in openness to new experience. In this case, it means that 76 percent of peopl

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on m3a1-conflict. The results indicate that I have a 76 percentile score in openness to new experience. In this case, it means that 76 percent of people in my comparison sample will score less than me in openness to new experience. I believe this score is accurate since I am creative and curious in trying out new ideas. I can readily challenge conventional things since I like reading challenging materials and implementing new ways of tackling problems. I am capable of thriving well in an organizational setting that requires flexibility especially during changes such as implementation of new working policies, rules and procedures (McCrae, 2002). As a conflict manager, I believe I will be more adaptable to change and build relationships in the organization in order to avoid further interpersonal conflicts (Burger, 2010). Accordingly, my open-mindedness will allow me to seek more information on the sources of conflict and offer feedback on how to handle conflict in the organization (John, Robins &amp. Pervin, 2010). From experience, I have learned new skills of interacting with peers in discussions and handling challenges. I also handled a task conflict involving high employee turnover in the organization.

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