Article Writing Homework Help

I will pay for the following article The Law of Gender Equality in European Countries. The work is to be 6 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article The Law of Gender Equality in European Countries. The work is to be 6 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. The law on gender equality is being imposed by the 21 members of the European Union since the Treaty was signed in 1957, and has since then become a vital segment of the EU Law. However, according to Professor Bruno de Witte (2006), the European Court of Justice found out that the EC Treaty did not specify a “general equality clause” and has implemented the law according to the “common legal traditions of the member states”.

This lack of definite equality clause required a written amendment to the existing provisions of the EC Treaty. Written provisions were later incorporated in the EC Treaty of Amsterdam which has become the legal basis for the implementation of gender equality and discrimination in all European member countries. (Witte, Bruno, 2006) The developments of equality law and its implementations in the European Union will be discussed in this part of the study.

What is the law? Article 13 took effect in 2000 and has been incorporated in the EC Treaty. Article 13 has defined the framework of equality and anti-discrimination acts in the European Union. The law gives equal rights to men and women irrespective of “racial or ethnic origin, religion, and belief, disability, sexual orientation, and age, covering the workplace, education, healthcare and access to goods and services. (European Commission) From 1970 to 2006 nine important Acts and 11 regulations have been passed as legislation in the Parliament that pertains to equality of people. (Equality and Human Rights Commission) These Acts are

The law defines discrimination as “classifying people into groups and treating them differently and becomes unlawful where it is practiced against a particular group that is protected by law.

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