Article Writing Homework Help

Physical controls are your first line of defense. You work as an independent consultant within physical security, you are hired to choose a location for an IT start company that just received a multi-

Physical controls are your first line of defense.

You work as an independent consultant within physical security, you are hired to choose a location for an IT start company that just received a multi-million dollar government contract to provide cloud services. Although the companywill handle non-sensitive information you will provide consultations as the information was sensitive.


  • Research a real location, a building that is for sale
  • Cost of the building?
  • Will you use security guards?
    • What area will they monitor?
  • What perimetercontrols will be used
  • What internal controls will be implemented


  • Google Earth to see the physical layout,
  • Zillow3Dis helpful.
  • FEMA Perimeter Security Design
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