Article Writing Homework Help

Write 14 pages with APA style on Sketches and Architect’s Memories. Particular attention has been given to the role of memory in influencing the expression of a person’s thoughts, either in his privat

Write 14 pages with APA style on Sketches and Architect’s Memories. Particular attention has been given to the role of memory in influencing the expression of a person’s thoughts, either in his private or his social/ professional life. The potentials of memory to play such roles are made clear in the case of sketching.

In this paper, the impact of memory on the drawings developed by a specific group of professionals, architects, is explored. The approaches used by popular architects, such as Frank Gehry and Le Corbusier, when sketching are presented in order to understand the role of memories in drawing, as this relationship can be quite strong in architecture. Reference is also made to the position of drawing in architecture, i.e. the necessity and the demands of drawing as part of the particular science.

It is proved that architects are likely to be highly influenced by their memory when producing sketching but the level of interaction between memories and sketching may not be standardized. It is also revealed that affecting drawing memories can also impact the final form/ structure of a building, even if extensive changes may have occurred on the drawings on which the construction of the building has been based. On the other hand, it is clear that sketching cannot be developed fully independently from memories. rather, the drawings developed by an architect are critical signs of the architect’s experiences even drawings may not highly reflect these experiences, under the terms described below.

Drawing, as an activity, is difficult to be precisely described. In fact, the drawing should be considered as a rather complex process, being related ‘to material conditions, such as works on paper, to techniques or to functions’ (Hamel, “Lines of Confrontation”, in Frascari et al. 2013, p.205). In architecture, drawing seems to have a key mission: to define ‘the borders of space’ (Hamel, in Frascari et al. 2013, p.206).

For architects drawing has a key role: it helps them to express their thoughts.

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