Article Writing Homework Help

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on How Is Sexuality Viewed by the Society. It needs to be at least 3250 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on How Is Sexuality Viewed by the Society. It needs to be at least 3250 words. In the 20th century, it was observed that media plays a significant role in the assumptions believed within society either negative or positive. It can be argued in this regard that media, being all around us, how it could not have an impact on the sexuality acceptance within a particular society when its impact and influence are in every aspect of life. Due to the effects of media, sex has been portrayed as an element that sells anything and everything. For instance, few commercial ads have used beautiful models with skimpy attire to sell fast food products, which is can be examined as not quite necessary for the effective establishment of the purpose. What has the model to do with the fast-food products? It could have also made sense if the ad showed fast food products being enjoyed by family or children without illustrating heterosexuality behavior. Therefore, to some extent, it can be affirmed that media has an adverse effect on the society and created differences in the way gender diversity is viewed.

2.1 Men’s Sexuality

Prior to the Twentieth Century, male genders were considered the strongest, in terms of strength, courage, and cleverness. Based on this assumption, men were assigned outdoor activities, while women were mostly assigned indoor responsibilities such as taking care of the household, cooking, bringing up children and similar other tasks. In the case of studies and preferences too, men were considered ahead of women. However, the arrival of the 20th century has transformed this concept and women are considered equivalent to men in almost all aspects of life. This can be regarded as a positive effect of media which influenced society to allow them equal opportunities as that provided to men. However, in recent decades, it has been observed that the influence of media often attempted to use male figures in objectifying manners that were previously assigned for women.

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