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Assignment 1: Economic Brief Due Week 5, worth 150 points This assignment is aligned to these course outcomes: In the workplace, we are often asked to create “briefs.” A brief provides a snapshot, or

Assignment 1: Economic Brief

Due Week 5, worth 150 points

This assignment is aligned to these course outcomes:

In the workplace, we are often asked to create “briefs.” A brief provides a snapshot, or short, written summary, of a situation or event that has occurred. It is generally just a few pages long and may include additional visuals like a graph, chart, or table. In this assignment, write a brief about economic concepts in an industry that interests you.

An example economic brief, template, and resources are provided below.

Example Economic Brief, Assignment 1 Template, Strayer Writing Standards (SWS)

1. Review an example brief.

2. Use the optional template to help you get started.

3. Get familiar with the Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). (See Instructions below.)

Industry Selection

Use this resource to select an industry and learn about the products and services it provides:


Review your previous chapter readings and use the resource above to develop an economic brief that is two to three (2-3) pages long in which you:

1. Select an industry and describe the goods and/or services this industry produces. Identify this industry’s market structure and at least two or more market characteristics that support this market structure.

2. Describe any notable microeconomic relationships, market outcomes, and/or trends in this industry. Include a graph, chart, or table containing related data.

3. How might government impact this industry’s market prices, output, and/or market structure? (Government intervention through price controls, industry regulations, and antitrust enforcement is covered in Weeks 2 and 4.)

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