Article Writing Homework Help

Need help with my writing homework on The Network Society. Write a 1750 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on The Network Society. Write a 1750 word paper answering; Through the proceedings, which is one of the bases of the book, research agenda was formulated to answer to provide answers to existing gaps and hurdles in the network society and identify areas that necessitates planning strategies. This book is designed for graduate students taking up courses in urban studies, city and regional planning, and urban design. In particular, the article aims for the assessment of the network society whether it poses challenges for planning and planning theory. It shows communicative action in restoring unconstrained values. The book provides sufficient insight in its five sections which looks at models of the Network Society and the impact of physical networks. It thoroughly discusses challenges for Planners raised by society’s increased reliance on new technology and examines local networks including community networks and the possibilities of setting up local networks for disaster recovery. It also tackles the relevance of the civil society if interpreted in the context of democracy for the network society. Finally, it ends by comparing spatial and policy networks and looking at the institutions involved in them.

In this article, de Roo and Silva present various understandings of complexity and how the environment is considered accordingly. One of the considerations that the article expounds on is the environment as subject to processes of continuous change, being either progressive or destructive, evolving non-linearly and alternating between stable and dynamic periods. It also elaborates the process of evolution and co-evolution as an expected process in response to changes in the environment that is adaptive, self-organizing, robust and flexible.&nbsp.

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