Article Writing Homework Help

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on political science letters. A team was formed by sir Grooves that met in April and May 1945. These meetings were top secret and were with the aim of

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on political science letters. A team was formed by sir Grooves that met in April and May 1945. These meetings were top secret and were with the aim of drawing up a list of targets. The primary criterion for choosing the targets was that the cities targeted must not have been damaged by previous bombings, this allowed for the accurate measurement of the effects of the bomb.

Upon the death of the president, the new President, Harry S. Truman, approved the formation of another committee in May, which was given the mandate of being an advisory group to report on the atomic bomb. The committee approved the use of the bomb against a war plant. The bomb turned out to be effective, and it was a major step in the country in the promotion of security and foreign threats.

The president personally asked me to thank you on his behalf for your involvement in this project. The people of the United States would like to thank you and your partner for the information you provided. Your efforts will definitely be rewarded.

On 5th October 1953, I Eisenhower appointed you as the Chief Justice following the death of former Chief Justice, Fred Vinson. The choice I made to appoint you as Chief Justice was made after a recess appointment.

You, Earl Warren, is a person who has a national name for integrity, courage, and uprightness. This is exactly what is needed in our courts today. You represent the kind of political, social, and economic thinking that I believe is needed in our courts. It is my humble hope and wishes that you continue to uphold these values in your work.

You were formally nominated on 11th January 1954, and the United States Senate confirmed this nomination on 1st March the same year, through the use of a voice vote. Through this, you can clearly see the hope and trust that the members of the senate have bestowed on you.

I the president of the United States hope that I can rely, on you, on to bring the necessary change in the Supreme Court.

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