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Need help with my writing homework on News/Press Release. Write a 250 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on News/Press Release. Write a 250 word paper answering; RE: Campaign against Gender Violence Release 18th March Campaign against Sexual Harassments The campaign against sexual harassment On March 2015.On several occasions many people have misunderstood the term Sexual Harassments where when the term Sexual Harassments comes up, the first Sexual Harassments on gender people think about only females sexual harassment through rape. However, both sexes undergo serious gender violence only that some people may not understand how they are violated.

The campaign against Sexual Harassments will be observed from Monday March 23rd through to Friday March 27th.Many people assume sexual Harassments in several occasion, but it is secretly becoming a serious issue in the society. However, people have assumed Sexual Harassments as they don’t understand what gender violence entails. The concern authorities have realized the incidence of sexual harassment seriously increasing, and that is the reason for organizing the campaign.

However, many persons don’t understand that the elements of sexual harassment spread from clothing, unconditional touching, and sexual activity in the presence of a third party. In the cases of clothing, sexual harassment can be identified when one puts on cloths that are sexually exciting to the second person. however, the person might not be sexual need of the person.

Another case of sexual harassment is when an individual unconditional touching to the other party with an intention of sexually arousing the second party who may not be in need of sexual engagement.

The purpose of the campaign is to make people understand in details the elements of sexual harassment and not assume incidences of sexual harassment but instead report the cases to the authority.

In a conclusion, provision of facts about sexual abuse/sexual harassment is one of the ways to raise awareness about sexual harassment. Awareness of the sexual harassment is one way that can assist you in making vital decisions to keep you and someone you know safe. So join us in the campaign against sexual harassment.


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