Article Writing Homework Help

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on successful time management.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on successful time management. According to Pausch (2008), the management must organize the workspace or environment in order to eliminate destructions and ensure maximum concentration. Eisenhower time management method classifies tasks into either urgent or important tasks while the action priority matrix determines the priority of tasks depending on the efforts and perceived benefits to the organization.

According to the Pareto principle (80:20 rule), 80 percent of the output is generated by 20 percent of the efforts. The Pareto analysis is useful in prioritizing the tasks since 80 percent of the results can be attributed to 20 percent of tasks completed. This paper will discuss the benefits of time management, various skills in time management and methods of time management. The paper will also discuss ways of avoiding procrastination. Carroll (2012) asserts that effective planning entails preparing work lists of activities that must be completed during a certain time. These include the ‘to-do lists’ that prioritize activities depending on their importance and urgency to the organization. The pending tasks must take accomplished first and new tasks must not start until the previous or already started tasks are complete. Accordingly, the individual or management must set goals and objectives that aim at ensuring the efficiency of work. The goals and objectives must be specific, attainable and measurable (Croft, 1996). The goals must have clear deadlines that will guide the efforts committed towards the accomplishment of the specific tasks. The management must motivate employees towards attainment of the set goals within the pre-determined deadlines. Accordingly, the management must delegate authority and responsibilities in order to ensure employees take accountability of their tasks in completing the tasks within the deadlines (Pausch, 2008).

The employees must spend the appropriate and allocated time on the right activities depending on the priorities in order to meet any strict deadlines and ensure efficient workflow in the organization (Croft, 1996). Benefits of time management involve making the possible best use of the available time while doing the right things at the right time. One of the benefits of time management is that it makes individuals more disciplined and punctual. The individuals are capable of preparing ‘& do’ lists or time plans that provide a sense of direction through adhering to the activities of the day. Accordingly, employees are more organized due to effective time management since they are capable of accomplishing tasks within the stipulated timeframe and earning recognition among their peers (Croft, 1996).

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