Article Writing Homework Help

I will pay for the following article Rivetheads. The work is to be 4 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Rivetheads. The work is to be 4 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. The story “Rivethead: tales from the assembly line” talks about assembly line workers lives, work, and their interactions with each other and their employer. Though Hamper had a gift in writing and humor, he was a third generation factory worker or “shop rat” (Heitman, 2009). His grandfather had worked at Chevrolet after moving to Detroit from Springfield, Illinois. Hamper’s grandmother worked for the AC Spark plug factory during the World War 2 building machine guns before working in an aircraft factory. His father worked for many factories and was a drunk with womanizer tendencies. When he visited his father who was working on a line and saw him repeatedly, install windshields he thought to himself, “Do something else!” However, the choices in hampers life were limited and he saw himself ending up working on the same assembly line so detested by his father. He was of the view that his life was predetermined and his theory nearly proven.&nbsp.&nbsp.

In high school, he was an under-achiever whose school experience was drug-ridden and cocktailed with an unplanned pregnancy. He started painting apartments after his unaccomplished high school life. Lifting of the recession in the70s availed employment opportunities in the motor industry and Hamper was able to gain the employ of the General Motors through his sister-in- law. He worked in “the jungle”, cab shop, and installed splash shields in Chevy blazers’ rear ends. Hamper reveled in labor degradation and completed his assignment within one and a half shifts (Hamper, 1991). He enjoyed work in the motor industry because to him it was mindless and the pay of $12.82 was good. Hamper doubled up with Bud, a line mate, and one of them would do two jobs at a time as the other rested. Ben Hamper used his resting time to drink at his regular, read novels and the day’s paper or take a stroll around the factory.&nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp.

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