Article Writing Homework Help

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on correlations between the impact of frontline personnel at sainsbury’s and the consumer behavior Paper must be at least 2250 words. Please, no plagia

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on correlations between the impact of frontline personnel at sainsbury’s and the consumer behavior Paper must be at least 2250 words. Please, no plagiarized work! As much as retailing is highly influenced by competitor behavior as an exogenous variable, the frontline staff also affects the consumers’ perception and behavior as an endogenous variable. This paradigm of behavior is essentially associated with the ever-rising retailer competition in townships across the globe. European Union (EU) hasn’t been an exception, though in EU competition is subject to such heavy regulation.

Sainsbury’s multicultural frontline staff has a far-reaching impact on consumer buying behavior because the former’s diversity along with the organizational culture, leadership style, organizational goals, and structure affect their (personnel’s) disposition towards the customer. Thus the consumer buying behavior is influenced by the frontline staff in a way that indisputably acts like the harbinger of all organizational outcomes. These outcomes are predominantly uppermost throughout this analysis so that even in the absence of metrics that enable the researcher to measure them (outcomes), the analytical depth of the research effort would remain intact and sound.

The theoretical and conceptual framework of this research effort would be basically determined by the relevance of the existing theoretical postulates and the conceptual frameworks of analysis and reference. Thus there will be a greater examination of the available literature on the subject to identify the core issues involved in frontline personnel management and its structure.

Hypothesis or thesis statement

The thesis statement of this paper rests on the testing of the primacy and the immediacy of a core group of theoretical and conceptual perspectives appertaining to the impact of frontline personnel on the consumer buying behavior at Sainsbury’s against the backdrop of the former’s cultural diversity and the latter’s constant exposure to competition-related issues along with the defined or undefined organizational outcomes.&nbsp.

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