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Write a 5 pages paper on the production of the laramie project. We are reminded through the work of Kaufman that Laramie, Wisconsin can represent the USA and that it is important to reflect on such is

Write a 5 pages paper on the production of the laramie project. We are reminded through the work of Kaufman that Laramie, Wisconsin can represent the USA and that it is important to reflect on such issues, have an open dialogue, and move society towards a more inclusive and accommodating place in the future. While there are many components of the UTSC Production of The Laramie Project that could be focused upon, it is perhaps fruitful to consider the history behind the play and how this history is subsequently displayed for the audience to understand and learn from.

It is important to note that the creator of this play actually began researching the events that provided its context within a month after the actual crime occurred in Wyoming back in 1998. Kaufman recognized that the world needed to know about not only the crime that was committed but the actual root of the issue that had been building in this college town for years, as it was likely a reflection of the broader society in many ways. Kaufman set out to examine how many of the people in the town were responding to the issues not only related to homosexuality, but also to religion, class, economic, education, and various forms of nontraditional lifestyles (Morello 8). These are the issues that were reflected by this crime. The point is borne out through the production as the focus is certainly on the hate nature of this crime versus gays, but also on the broader perspective that there is a deep issue at play that society must deal with moving forward. A person’s gayness does not necessarily make them a target for a crime of this nature, but something is certainly wrong with society when such violence is perpetuated against a marginalized member of the community (Morello 8).

Understanding this background enables the viewer to better evaluate the context of the play itself. Kaufman himself was a member of a minority group and the fact that hatred runs ripe with racial tension in many areas of the country was not lost on Kaufman.&nbsp.

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