Article Writing Homework Help

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on The Procedure for Implementing Total Quality Management in Silverline Enterprise. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA S

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on The Procedure for Implementing Total Quality Management in Silverline Enterprise. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The main reasons behind the setback are: inefficiencies of employees often combined with unprofessional conduct. lack of harmonization and participation on behalf of the employees. conventional sales strategy overpowered by its rivals and. added competition from shops like Eldorado, Great Eastern, Capitol Electronics, Sales Emporium (all these shops are dealers in electronic goods and a customer may find all types of such products under the same roof).

The report emphasizes on the implementation of TQM with strict compliance to the eight key elements. It also provides an action plan pertaining to the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of successful implementation of TQM into the organization. The recommendations undertaken are: keeping updated products. forming a realistic idea of market demand and consumer profiles. Reorientation of the sales people. Product diversification and. Encouraging greater participation of the staff in policymaking and operation of the store.

Silverline Enterprise in the year 2005 experienced a sheer rise in sales volume, well reflected in its profit that stood at a staggering 1.2 million dollar per annum. All was set for a bigger explosion when suddenly the sales figures dropped for the next two years. A careful investigation into this strange behavior has highlighted the facts that incompetence on behalf of the employees due to their lack of appropriate skill, qualification and knowledge has turned out to be a major cause of the setback. This was combined with outdated products grasping for technological improvement, increased competition from shops providing a wider product range and almost catering to all the needs of the consumers under the same roof (Eldorado, Great Eastern, etc.), a total failure in judging the changing consumer preference as well as the level of market demand, the staffs and the management stood as two different poles, exactly opposite to each other, neither harmonization of work&nbsp.nor spontaneous participation on behalf of the staffs in the operation of the shop.&nbsp.

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