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Need help with my writing homework on Maize and Wheat: Difference in Germination Temperature. Write a 1000 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Maize and Wheat: Difference in Germination Temperature. Write a 1000 word paper answering; The results are consistent with existing literature and the study concludes that wheat has lower optimal germination temperatures than corn.

Temperature, as a determinant of the degree of warmth, is an important factor to germination. It has indirect effects on seed germination such as regulating effects of biotic factors in a seed’s environment. According to Rodriguez-Brljevich (2008, p. 9), low temperatures favor effects of F. verticillioides, to undermine germination and growth, and possible differences in disease resistance, by plant species, could moderate the temperature effect on germination. Also, the author notes that low temperatures damage cells in maize seeds, an effect that could establish temperature as a moderator factor to germination rate between maize and other plant species. From this perspective, seeds that can withstand low temperature and its environmental effects have better survival chances, and can, therefore, report higher germination rate at low temperatures. Data on germination temperature for wheat, however, suggests a lower optimal temperature range. Edwards (N.D.) an assistant professor at Oklahoma State University, explains that optimal germination temperature ranges from 400F (12.220C) to 770F (250C) and wheat cannot germinate at a higher temperature at which maize can germinate. Existing data, therefore, suggests a difference in optimal germination temperatures for wheat and maize. Wheat, according to the literature, germinates at lower temperatures than maize, and this study seeks to ascertain the observation. This paper attempts to examine wheat has lower germination temperature range than maize.

The study implemented an experimental design to compare germination rate of maize and wheat seeds at different temperatures. Eight sets of plastic Petri dishes were used, with each set containing a pair of the dishes. The dishes had a layer white “Kimpak,” with a blue indented filtered paper.&nbsp.

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