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Need an research paper on doping and violence in sports. Needs to be 7 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on doping and violence in sports. Needs to be 7 pages. Please no plagiarism. In the old days, Physical Education (P.E.) teachers would tell children to engage in play in the spirit of fun and camaraderie. That such activity was not only to contribute to their physical development and personal welfare but also to develop their social skills—not to mention to promote a desire for a life-long fondness for activities that would benefit them physically.

However, it seems all that is gone today. The true spirit of sports and sportsmanship has gone down the drain, together with dignity and pride, and has been replaced with violence and performance-enhancing substance—all for the spirit of winning. Everything else is just not good enough.

As early as a late 19th century, there had been records that athletes resort to doping to enhance their individual performances, with lethal results. According to the online article, “Doping and Sports: Collective Expert Assessment” (1998), the following incidents had gained international attention due to the use/abuse of prohibited substances:

Arthur Linton died during the Bordeaux-Paris race. In 1904, on the other hand, the marathon runner Thomas Hicks collapsed after winning the Saint-Louis Olympics. Also, Dorando Pietri died in London in 1908. All three athletes succumbed to the same reason: they had taken strychnine. – In 1960, during the 100-km road run in the Rome Olympics, the cyclist K. Jensen died. Apparently from the drug Ronicol. In 1967, Tom Simpson, a professional world cycling champion, collapsed and died while climbing the Mont Ventoux after having taken amphetamines.

In 1975, anabolics killed Kangasniesmi, a weightlifter. His muscles gave in under the weight and the iron bar fell down, breaking his spine.

Moreover, according to the article “Drugs in Sport: The Need for Speed” (2009), Ben Johnston, the Canadian track athlete, and former Olympic gold medal winner, was banned for abusing stanozolol. It further adds that a leading UK track athlete offered an alibi that the high content of an anabolic drug in his system was due to a substance he ingested the night before he tested positive to enhance his performance in the bedroom, not on his sporting event.

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