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Write 5 pages thesis on the topic case assignment module 5 mgt 516 total rewards.

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic case assignment module 5 mgt 516 total rewards. This paper aims at comparing and contrasting the total rewards system with the traditional approach of compensation. Also, the paper will discuss in detail the advantages and disadvantages of total rewards program from the views of the employees as well as from the perspective of employers. A brief discussion of how total rewards are impacted by the legal environment has also been included. Total Rewards: Rewards have been a common element right from the beginning. Be it the barter systems used in the early years or the various compensation plans used in the current times. These have all been the basis for the motivation of people across the world. It was in 1990 that the system of total rewards was introduced and here people around the world were thinking of newer and more effective ways for compensations and benefits (Chen and Hsieh). Also, it was here that aspects such as tangible and intangible methods of motivating employees were being focused upon. The main aim and intension of the total rewards was mainly to retain the employees within the company (Johnston). The following section will detail a comparison and contrast of the total rewards system with the traditional approach of compensation.

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