Article Writing Homework Help

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Analysis of Quasi Market Structures and Their Introduction on the Quality and Strength of Production and Programming in the BBC. It needs to be a

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Analysis of Quasi Market Structures and Their Introduction on the Quality and Strength of Production and Programming in the BBC. It needs to be at least 1750 words. The intended goals and desires that the reforms were enacted to effect will also be analyzed along with the level of realization that these goals had in actuality. Moreover, the analysis will seek to take into consideration a wide array of past scholarship and opinions on the matter and seek to provide the reader with a balanced interpretation of the means by which the BBC was ultimately weakened by the changes that were put into effect during the transitional period in question.

Similar to an institution of government, the way in which the culture of the BBC had developed, grown, and solidified into something of a rigid system that was change averse meant that reforms were needed in order to coax what would be the new British Broadcasting Corporation into the twenty-first century. However, as with any change dynamic, the methods by which the change was to be effected alongside the overall goals that were sought after did not coalesce with creating a higher quality of programming nor did it seek to change the BBC for the better. even though this was after all the desired intent. The reasons for this stem from the fact that a system of quotas was ordained and established with little to no forethought by the leadership of exactly how such a system would translate into institutional strength and professionalism in broadcasting. Such oversight has never been fully corrected and has meant that the BBC, although savoring in the victory of many a genius moment and continuing to be the standard-bearer in journalism and broadcast media, is held back from meeting its true potential.

Like many of the cost-cutting mechanisms that take place upon the insistence of higher authority, the true implications of what the quasi-market structure would affect on the end result of the quality of the programming was not fully considered.&nbsp. However, to the credit of those that sought to change key institutional factors within the BBC in order to produce a more streamlined and effective form of broadcasting, many of the ideas conceived were primarily good – at least upon cursory overview.

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