Article Writing Homework Help

Write 24 pages with APA style on Motivation in the Workforce. Globalization is an umbrella term for a complex series of integration and democratization of the world’s culture, economy, and infrastruct

Write 24 pages with APA style on Motivation in the Workforce. Globalization is an umbrella term for a complex series of integration and democratization of the world’s culture, economy, and infrastructure through transnational investment, rapid proliferation of communication and information technologies, and the impacts of free-market forces on local, regional and national economies, and is seen as increasing interdependence, integration and interaction among people and companies in disparate locations.

A strong corporate culture is a key for a corporation to attain success in its operation. “Company culture is based on shared values and workplace norms (e.g., innovation, risk-taking) not necessarily personality likenesses. Company cultures pervade the entire organization, not just certain departments or levels of employees.”(Rao, 2003). Corporate culture is the underlying element inside a corporation. A strong corporate culture enables a company to deal with challenges effectively especially on its expansion worldwide. A strong corporate culture is characterized by cohesiveness and cooperation. It is of known fact that companies are not run by only one man. Companies are driven by groups of men with the goal of achieving success. It is important to achieve this state of order because companies really do need cohesiveness and teamwork in facing different challenges. Cohesiveness will bring the companies to have a smooth operation that is essential in attaining success. Every member is vital and plays a role of significance in the quest to have corporate success in every corporation around the world. “Culture has a vital and measurable impact on the organization’s ability to deliver on its strategy. Thus culture is central to a successful operation and the long-term effectiveness of the company” (Gupta, 2007).&nbsp.

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