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Write 8 pages thesis on the topic the recent business context and changes in the business.

Write 8 pages thesis on the topic the recent business context and changes in the business. The UK is observed to be amongst the top ten countries that dealt in coffee around the globe as of 2011. It is worth mentioning that coffee is also measured to be the third-favorite non-alcoholic drink in the country. Over the year, it has been viewed that in the UK, the chain of coffee shops had grown 5.6% and contributed almost 29.1% market share by 2005. However, it has been viewed that independent and local coffee shops only grew by 2% and faced a considerable amount of challenges over the year. Economic disturbance in the UK is also assumed to have affected the customer’s behaviors of drinking coffee. For instance, it was viewed that the coffee market grew by 17% from 2005 to 2009, again out of which, 57% of the total consumers 47% of the customers preferred sitting in coffee shops and 8.3 preferred takeaway services (Business Case Studies LLP, 2013). Moreover, it has also been viewed that today’s teenagers and young adults frequently visit cafes, which replicates it to be a growing trend. A thorough understanding of the consumer buying behavior also revealed that about 37% of the coffee consumers prefer black coffee in the UK, while the remaining 63% like to add sweetener with it. 57% of the total consumers further stated to prefer having it at breakfast (Liang & Wu, n.d.).

every individual and business house, which aims at establishing themselves at the global market, but is also stated to be a course for small business houses with limited resources. Coffee market in the UK is considered to be one of the largest industries. With the increasing adaption of coffee by the people worldwide, whereby many multinational organizations are being established in the nation creating greater competitiveness for smaller coffee shops, it has been viewed that although small shops provide better quality products at a lesser price, people prefer going to branded stores like Costa and Starbuck as a symbolization of economic status in the society (Hospitality & Catering News, 2013). According to a survey conducted by Euromonitor international (2012), it was viewed that Nestle UK almost held 38% of the retail value share and 32% of the retail volume share in its business environment, with the virtues of the growing trend in favor of large brands. The main reason behind the strong liking of the brand image amid the people is considered to be because of its strong presence in the instance coffee segments. In this respect, if Real Coffee Ltd. provides better eating experience and markets its products locally, the issue can be mitigated from its root (Euromonitor international, 2012).

The coffee industry in the UK is considered to be amongst one of the largest markets around the world. Many well-known coffee businesses have been established in the region to conquer the market with the assistance of their unique set of strategies. As a consequence, their product differentiation initiatives are different from each other, following a service-driven approach. This has increased the establishment cost for small coffee shops in the nation.

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